Welcome to our home page.

We wish all human get on well with the Mother Nature.
Our business is helping it.
We are aiming at the bear conflict specialist.

Since 02/22/1998

You are 0018385 visitors.

Last update: May 08, 2007 gif



【Marks of Japanese Black Bear】

left: We found the really new footprint of the bear in snow.(April 29, 2007)
center: The mark of the nail of the bear on the beech(April 29, 2007)
right: The bear cushions on the branch of the chestnut tree(April 28, 2007)

Take pictures at certain Shizukuisi town of Iwate Prefecture. Photo by Masaki Fujimura


[ Bear cub of Japanese black bear ]

He is a cub of Japanese black bear. He was born at this February in Ani-town Bear Park of Akita Prefecture. (left photo)
Mr. Manabu Suzuki is a animal keeper of this park. (right photo) His grandfather, Mr. Matsuji Suzuki was the famous leader of "MATAGI"
which is the Japanese traditional hunting group, and he became the deceased this March.
The culture of MATAGI is the pride of Japan which has supported natural coexistence with the person for several hundred years.
The law of MATAGI has forbidden exploitation from the excessive hunting and the excessive nature.
This Ani town of North Akita city is really the cradle of MATAGI.

( May 28, 2005 photography by Masaki Fujimura / owner of OUTBACK TRADING COMPANY LTD.)

grizzly foot small    anime    grizzly foot small

Karelian Bear Dog

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The photographs of damaged corn field by Asian black bear.
(Sawauti village in Iwate)



What's new

アイコン17th International Conference on Bear Research and Management ( October 2nd -6th, 2006 Karuizawa Town, Nagano, Japan) June 6, 2005gif
Many member of JAPAN BEAR NETWORK (NGO) will open International Bear Conference next year in Japan. This is the first IBA international conference in Asia.
Many important information about Asian wild bear will be sent into the world by the Asian researcher from Japan.

アイコン16th International Conference on Bear Research and Management (September 27th - October 1st. 2005 Riva Del Garda, Trentino, Italy) gif
You can enjoy many photos of this conference. Let's Go!

アイコンWe update the Bear Gallery #4. (11/05/2003) We hope you enjoy this.

アイコンWe update the Bear Gallery #3. (10/15/2001)

アイコンWe up some Japanese bear information in this site. (05/10/2001)

アイコンAbout 13th IBA Conference (04/30/2001)
(The president of our company will participate in 13th International Conference on Bear Research and Management next month.)

アイコンAsian black bear of our country (Iwate prefecture)

HALLI MAC (2001.07.06)

   Do you know "HALLI MAC"? HALLI MAC is only one Macintosh Computer which is made by Mr. Ken Nakao. He included parts of iBook first edition into ZERO HALLIBUTON PURSE CASE for himself. HALLI MAC is really wonderful Macintosh!
Click here, if you want to see it.

アイコンSECURITY SHOW 2001 IN TOKYO (03/12/2001)

アイコンOne more action to help "The last 5000" Tigers
   Please help The last 5000 Tigers!
Click here. You will go to WWF-Japan site.

アイコンYou can know about our company.

アイコンYou can enjoy many phographs of Grizzly Bear and Karelian Bear Dog (KBD) in Montana. (07/24/2000)

アイコンYou can see six pictures of Japanese black bear.

アイコンYou can see some pictures of Japanese black bear.

アイコンYou can see some pictures of damaged corn field by Japanese black bear.

アイコンYou can see some pictures spraying Counter Assault. Counter Assault is the world wide bear spray.
#1, #2, #3, #4

The web site of COUNTER ASSAULT in USA is here. We are the agent of COUNTER ASSAULT in Japan.

アイコンJapanese traditional knives "
MATAGI NAGASA" (Japanese only)
(Matagi is Japanese traditional hunter. Their history is more than 600 years. Nagasa is their traditional hatchet or hunting knife.)

アイコンJapanese traditional bear bell "NANBU KUMA-SUZU" (Japanese only)
(NANBU is old name of our prefecture. Kuma is "bear". Suzu is "bell".)


17th International Conference on Bear Research and Management
icon. Japan Black Bear Research Center (Japanese only)


IBA (International Conference on Bear Research and Management)

NPOピッキオBear Dog Information of Japanese

Wind Bear River Institute
Bear Dog (Larelian Bear Dog) Information


Thank you for your interest in OUTBACK TRADING COMPANY LTD.

Address: 16-27-1 Teshiromori Morioka,
Iwate 020-0401 JAPAN

Phone: +81 19-696-4647
FAX: +81 19-696-4678

E-mail: outback@cup.com

Thank you for your visit.
Please send me your Emil, if you like.



iconThis home page is made with Pismo (PowerBook 2000) and G4 PowerBook of Apple Computer Inc..

Owner is Masaki Fujimura.
No reproduction or republication without written permission.

COUNTER ASSAULT, OC-10 are Trade Mark of Bushwacker Backpack &Supply Co., Inc.
OUTBACK TRADING COMPANY is the agent of Bushwacker Backpack &Supply Co., Inc. in Japan.

copyright 2004 OUTBACK TRADING COMPANY LTD. All rights reserved